We both still love each other more than anything in the world, but that cant survive without trust and respect. So he said hed delete it too. Be strong and know that relationships are a two way street not one sided. That hurt way too much, i tried to contact her on messenger and sent sms, but she didnt reply to anything, in a moment of pain and hurt i wasnt thinking i was very hurt and i did something that may be unforgivable, i sent her husband a fb message, telling him that shes been lying to hem for years. I doubt that I shall ever learn to trust or respect this man again. I was sure this was the end of my marriage, there was no fixing this this time. He had a five year relationship with a woman married several times, very needy, spent a lot of his money and would reel him back in using her kids or her problems. I was still madly in love with her and after a couple weeks we got back together, for the next two years we kept doing this cycle of on and off. it seems like he wont be able to get that out of his mind right now. All Rights Reserved. As a mother their pain is my pain and now I hurt and emotionally stricken even harder. He just says he doesnt have it in him to make the relationship part work with how drained he feels hes already become emotionally and how much hes working now to make sure we can take care of the baby financially. Hi Dr Debb I have started therapy for addictions and am in the first month of a 3 month program. w/o seeing the red flags in him or perhaps you wanted to overlook them means that you also may need other help. While I enjoyed her company in most cases, she had attitude of asking for money every time. Even if those thoughts are about how annoying you think they are, if you're spending a . She said she works and is too busy. 3. We have been engaged for 2 years and only a few months ago decided to get married officially on December 10th. Were you afraid of him? We were three weeks not talking. I suggest she get counseling to help her figure this out. I told him we really needed to work on communication, and trust, but we cant work on those things if were not together. First he said he wanted a divorce now hes not sure. And i really do miss it so much. The sex stopped, and I cant stand to even have him touch me. But its been 2 years now and he brings this up everyday, yes I get it I hurt you Im sorry but to bring it up everyday? I have no desire to leave the relationship. My heart and brain are on two different levels right now. Trust is rebuilt, and the deception in our minds that thinks there is fear is unveiled to show the light around us. Is It normal to put up barriers to feel nothing and to cut people out of your life? I have been unfaithful to my wife for 10 years. I Just wish he had been honest about everything. Then he said he has matured and changed and wants something new thats not me. I hate to sound redundant, but maybe you should speak to a therapist to find out. Please help. It wasnt until this month that I realized I had lost him. Meanwhile we had appointment to fix things and shopping on Friday last week. I realize that that is not your problem. I can feel myself emerging as a better human and lover slowly, and know this this is not a wasted experience, but a necessary decision to learn who I am and what I truly value in this world. I have been told to maybe take a break and talk to a therapist. Of course i never did. I was okay with that as long as it was just friends. She told my wife. However, there's something that always, at least, should always, prevail. Lol. Now, after apologies and finally making a date to meet (we havent met yet by the way but I feel she is someone I always have wanted) and trying everything to make it right she CONTINUES TO SAY I DONT GET IT. Even if you really would like to, your survival instincts wont let that happen, and you must honor those. Suddenly she called me 2 weeks ago on Thursday at 6PM but i didnt answer. I know hes depressed about his career life and said he cant love anyone until he loves himself and cant be in a relationship right now. The pain hes dealt me is like nothing Ive ever had before. But not all these were my new friends. Thats comes to another issue I have with our relationship while l every time I need him to be there for me emotionally he manages to bail on me or argue with me because I come off as being mad to him. He treated me like I was his diamond. It has felt like I held the whole thing together. ilove him soo much. I keep trying to tell him that honestly that was not my true self and I can show him the true Maria. This last time was just 2 weeks ago and I called around to jails and hospitals just to see if he was ok since his phone was turned off. Each time we have been intimate since the separation he says he can never feel the same about me or get over it. I dont know how to move forward & cannot afford further professional assistance. Because of the way I had been acting and treating him the past year. We have been talking and trying to work on things but his biggest issues is that I dont want to be vulnerable in terms of getting sexually involved with him until I see and feel a change in him. Its a hard pill to swallow. Our problems began after 3 months of being together he cheated on me because he got mad at me so I broke up with him, but the next day I found out I was pregnant, and truly wanted nothing more than to be with him. Its possible for a person to make mistakes in life we all do- but if we LEARN from them, were better than we were before. For him, saying I was leaving was the final straw. So I respected that cut my loses with deep pain like my world was coming to an end. I found a video call and chat where he was asking her to pull off her clothes, twerk and show him her privates. Spark a Love Connection She did not. He said he loves her and they tell each other that every day. I forgave her, or so I thought. I am so crushed at his behavior and how easy it is for him to abandon us without word all because of a few to many drinks. I realize now I pushed him to do some things he did not want to do and did not respect or consider him like I should have. If that makes any sense. They took him to the police station to sober up and calmed down. He had picked up his drinking problem again and although not as bad as the start it was starting to affect our relationship. You become willing to be vulnerable and open more and more. What can you do? I tried to stop him and even sent CVs for him here in Portugal without telling him. He was, she said she wanted to do something specific to him and I agreed. This was before we met though. This may require therapy or through exercises in a course (such as the one I will be bringing out in about 2 months) or self-help books. He became obsessed almost addicted to speaking to her. eventually, I came to my senses and told her how I felt. This is human nature though - we tend to value things once we REALLY realize that they can be taken away or gone at any time. and i look like a liar and a cheater. Like I said I never had a good example of a man or what to do in a healthy relationship, so for the most part I was kind of clueless on the fundamentals, so I made a lot of rookie mistakes. So we are stuck in a weird situation where i want to be with her all the time, and i miss her a lot. Circumstances made me go back to Russia while she got help for her physcological. Or mayb im sick Help plz. Please, any feedback is helpful. but instead of telling me about the incident, he lied to me , to my face. And I then I end up on the couch for days at a time. I recently lost everything. Please start therapy and interview them carefully to be sure they are kind and highly skilled. I did not like the sound of that. Again, my head understands that we tried that (being together to fix things) and nothing changed. It can be hard to see the signs when we've never known anything different. These are the new things that you will be able to talk about. About 3 months ago my wife told me that she loves me but is no longer in love with me. He wants to divorce now but i have been fighting back to get back into the relationship with him, to be with my daughter and him.He doesnt have emotionaly feelings for me anymore and it is very painful . And feelings, understanding ones own and where they come from, is often hard to do because the origin could be painful. In that time I was battling what I perceived as anger issues. Get professional help. My husband is a cheater after, I had twins it continue and I know that I care for him but down deep inside I hate him. He finally made the decision to let the kids move because the upheaval it had caused them was so great. Until this past July. I know Im faced with the burden of him having that ugly image of me, making this task harder, but how do I go about this? Even after all the things he has said. Going for long walks in the park is perfect on first dates because it allows you to talk about yourself and ask her questions, which helps build rapport between you. Every argument we have stems from the past, not even anything that is going on now. I have 2 kids under the age of 5 and he was not ready to be a stepfather, so i stop myself from liking him more than i should. No ones loved her like I have, no one has cared, protected and provided for her like I have. I found out two days ago that my girlfriend has cheated on me for a week for her coworker. I need help. Thank you for writing the article because it has given me a lot of hope and I long for the day when my wife and I have a solid supportive relationship again. so i was so heartbroken when i found out that he didnt mean it. First, you picked a VERY insecure girl. How csn I win her trust back? I was like I need to see the progress since I paid for repairs and fixing. We were on the right track, but he left for army a week after. Unfortunately, I never completed those grievances. I have gone through difficult situations of betrayal with him and I lost trust in him then slowly we started in what you described as falling back in love and regaining that trust. She arrived a couple of hours later with her 2 teenage kids. Im writing this praying and hoping for a response from anyone at this point. I know that she most likely will be happier without me since I caused so much damage to her, but I really want another shot at becoming the only one she loves. Hi Betty, This situation may be your wake-up call to take care of yourself. We have two young daughters and so the thought of divorce also causes me great anxiety. You met in your senior year. This is starting to wear me down a lot. He says he is in love with me. It took 3 weeks for him to tell me the entire story. His friend has emotionally abused me and I dont understand why my partner cant consider this. He says its not my fault that he just wants to see what other people are like and travel. My daughter and I moved back into the home a week ago, and I can see that my husband really is trying to make changes, but for me it seems too little, too late. She knew the situation between us and I had my suspicions, but when i asked either of them, i was told to stop being paranoid. (He has never been fully emotionally present because of his PTSD). Thanks! Is there any hope? I took leave at the end of 2013 & went to work at my husbands business, doing administration for him when I stumbled across our high mobile phone bills on a shared contract. Booking a table or tickets for two can sometimes backfire if things dont go well between you both, so instead, say something like let me take you to dinner next week when she tells you that her birthday is coming up. Wrong time, crossed wires and past issues. I did this to prove to her and myself that I love her and she was enough for me and although I had made a mistake in the past , I wanted to be with her and her exclusively. At least this is what I feel Im supposed to learn. My husband knows about it and has completely forgiven me. Good luck. I just feel kind of numb most of the time. Get him to an addictions specialist asap!! Im having a hard time my heart is breaking. What does it take for someone to want to be better? My boyfriend and I have been together for a year. He gave a dry hi not even a kiss or hug. Sometimes you need to find a middle ground. I wish I could make her see Im not that person and I wish I never went down that road. Somethings mixed up here. If it is someone fresh out of school, she or he will not have the expertise you need. I say I cant do this relationship no more he tells me I have control over the relationship the ball in my court, i have the problems to fix it. I was to blame for his misery and we started fighting so much. Maybe right before the rope falls over the edge of the cliff and I plummet to my death she will come running and grab it and save me, or maybe I should let go and climb down before its too late. Communication stopped also, basically everything that makes a relationship work doesnt exist anymore. My whole life I have wanted to find someone Who cared about me just for me. Im starting to get a lot of feelings for him and he told me to get rid of my feelings because he doesnt know what to do since she hurt him. He will say it back if I say it first, and on the day I moved, he said it first a few times. We made appointment to go lay week Friday but instead she came to my house on Tuesday same week. His face was deeply flushed & his mouth was pulled into a tense thin line. I didnt even think you cheated on him. It has been nearly a year and I continue to have good and bad days. He had an abusive disjointed childhood, witnessed domestic violence and was loved by only one parent. At first I dismissed this saying No you have to go if you cant love me but then I got to thinking maybe this is an opportunity to show him I realize my weaknesses and that I realize I caused him to loose his since of self and rebuild things between us. My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years, 2.5 years long distance. Just sex out of frustration and anger and an addiction to the feeling of being desired. How can I put the hurt aside and go back to loving him like I use to? Hi CCO Then he said the situation cant be fixed because you are who you are and you cant change a persons personality. But her condition in that house is not plessant. He was extremely inexperienced, and kept things from me for awhile about him doing things with other girls (one was returning with hickeys after the night he was supposed to break up with the other girl he was dating because we had decided to be monogamous. The first time we met in person he thought he had my number and was a royal dick to me. This isnt as illogical as it sounds: keeping a distance creates an artificial feeling of safety. You have to take care of yourself, even if it means breaking your own heart. i was stupid and i dated another guy for 3 dates. I didnt know that he was getting hurt by this and that Im not meeting his needs when it comes to loving him. Hi Heather. But i wanted a break and asked him to breakup after 3 days of dating and which he accepted but was very sad. He left me because he says he isnt in love with me but still cares about me and he did love me. Be romantic, too. The comfortability we had with each other was phenomenal! if you have any advice for me that would be great because I really want to be with him and I dont want to lose him, everything with him feels right except for that. Our relationship was great though, until that night. Now after 28 years of marriage he works with someone that he finds attractive. Second, her therapist who is away for the summer should either have put in place a way to contact her such as email, phone, or Skype, or have a substitute. I broke down and told her that I was tired of blaming everyone and everything on my behavior. Mark, dr deb could you please help me with my note..Thank you. sensitive and stubborn woman its not easy to theres this guy liked me and we both fell in love with each other but its been like that we were 7 months together. When we first started dating there was an incident where the woman from the previous relationship he was in, was impregnated by him, and she coincidently found out in the beginning of our relationship. My husband has had far less experiences than I have when it comes to being with different people. I have been with my boyfriend for 7 and years now. IIve been in a relationship for 7 years . I dont know what to do anymore. So I asked: are you moved on? He likes to feel needed but I can feel his distance at times and I know that I hurt him but he hurt me too in several ways and I have owned it. Ignoring me treating me like I wasnt wanted and that I was in the way of his family. Is there anything I can do to try and save this? Or at least on my end i provided what he lacked during those moment bc hr had females who could do that and more. What hurt was that he completely ignored me. His choice of comfort is political views & newsworthy discussions. He came into my life when I least expected it and he brought back a part of me that I lost during all the bad times. But she also didnt do anything to try and fix it. 9. A male friend that ive known 17 years was visiting from out of state as his sister was in hospitali had lunch with him twice, both times letting my husband knowbut after the cancelled date for him to take here to the movies i was madi took a day off from work to clear my headi asked my male friend if he wanted to ride down to the beach with meafter swimming at the beach we went back to my parents camper to shower and get cleaned upi watched a little tv and when the show went off i went outside until my male friend was out of the shower and dressedand while i was showering and dressing he was outside on his phone but had come back in before i was done. I cant get over the fact that he took me for granted when I have been nothing but good to him and accepted him with and love his child, unlike his ex whom he wanted to marry but she treated him like crap. Thank you!! A few years ago I spent a year abroadwe still tried to maintain the relationship although I didnt put much effort into it due to my then selfish nature. We separated and i moved out. Dated some but nothing serious. So, yes, I answer but no, I dont always comment. He cant read my emotions at times and mostly assumes Im mad for everything. I was upset that he went out with his friend who treated me really badly a few years ago. After talking with her and picking away to try to understand what is bothering her she has told me that she does not love me intimately anymore but she loves me as the son of our Father. But it came with issues. Please help. .. I know she has no intention of doing marriage counseling and when I said I was going to get on anti depressants and seeing a professional she didnt seem to care. Obviously we still have a deep connection and there is a reason that we are still trying, whatever that looks like right now. I want his trust back as well n his love as well . He asked why now? So he took the car, picked them up & gave them a lift home. Hi Ruqyah The brand that you are going to seems to not be a good fit for you. Is it wrong for partner one to just be done. A tattoo, I did laugh. My best friend fell in love with me 2 years ago and I could not say yes then since I was moving on from another guy. So u gave her money and she left. Can a past abuser change. He could sleep with all the women he wants as he probably is doing right now but Ill love him still. I dont what to do. I met my boyfriend about 11months ago on social media. She says she loves me and I am her best friend but to be betrayed and treated as I have been is truly breaking my heart. Hes also looked up naked chicks on his play store. And I have no advice for you. She already had trust issues, you knew this, and you chose to move because you felt your career as a musician was more important. ( I asked about every detail) I dont know if its my mistake for wanting to know everything they did and how they did it but I see it in my head, constantly. She said yes, shes wri walking down to my house. But now since the past 1 year I fell in love with him but he says he fell out of love for me and doesnt think we will ever work out. THAT would require couples counseling. Wishing you the best in your healing journey! We were both very much in love. They finished but him & his wife and woman he was seeing and her husband became friends after meeting at works do. The fourth time was a few weeks ago when I started having cold feet. I have dealt with his jealousy all these years and it is old I have given him no reason for his actions. I feel like I need to point out that I am only 21 and he is 22. I realized I had the problem and now am with the most amazing man. He was very light-hearted around her at each meeting & I could see his colour rise & the change in his voice & body language towards her whenever we visited. I say nice things and try and do nice things and I feel they arent appreciated. Working with a therapist may help you ease the pain and devastation you feel, as well as help you identify tools you already have to aid you in moving on and healing. I have been in a loving relationship for 5 yrs. I hate to make this so short when your letter was so long but what I think you both need is support in a big way. i would send him msgs but he would just ignore replying me or he replys in ashort way with out trying to find out how i was like he used to do. Here are some steps that you both can take: 1. I met this man early 2012 we were staying in the same complex things started all as a joke ad time went on I was advise that he was married I asked him he refused and as time went on I literally believed him as he will stays here in Pretoria but his family is from Mpumalanga. I feel so emotionally confused, angry, hurt, spiteful & a collection of other feelings. It was as if I wanted her but wanted to still be the lazy guy. He promised to end it. He was mad and disappointed that I went alone. Other people have great ideas, too. Therefore, the best thing for you to do is work on gaining security and self love. Then he told me , he really didnt and that he didnt feel any urges to talk or anything. My husband was madly in love with me and treated me like a queen for most of our relationship. She thought i was with a girl. Im also in the same exact boat. I posted it lower on the page though, under Albert or Alfreds? In my heart we were true soulmates. Marty. Idk how to get her to do that? Somehow, we sat down and talked and moved on but now there was a wall between us. Shes easily distracted and has difficulty having a serious discussion. After the last relationship ended I stayed like that Not opening myself up to anyone.. Like I was living in protective mode and I planned to stay like that and not to open myself up to a chance to be hurt again. The ex did a lot of really terrible things with manipulating them etc. You can always ask for some help from her but ensure that it is somewhere around 30% of the work she has done herself and not more than that because this will show her that you are capable and confident enough while also giving her a chance to share things with you too.. 8: Ask questions about where shes been or what she wants to do next . He sent a msg ( during times of clean breakup) that he found out he still have feelings with his ex ( before wifes time) . Your bf hurting himself sounds pretty serious. He met me at my car door. They love and hate themand that's normal. She is taking Prozac for anxiety and she has ADD. Past relationships are kinda interfering with my faith In what he tells me. now he got a promotion in another city and the company provides living accommodation there for him so he only comes home every two weeks. Not to mention that if Im thinking shes the best possible girl I can be with, the next girl, whether it be her or another, will be ten times better. This article really speaks to me. I asked if she outside? Anyways, she finally arrived. I feel horrible. Sure, what he did was wrong. 1. he is not answering my calls and texsts. You will have to work hard on yourself to be a better person. We talked about and he just wasnt ready, I gave in, I had gotten a divorce from my husband if 13 years. I also dont know if I should contact him. If he had to go help his parents because their basement flooded instead of coming to see me in New York while I was there for work, I got angry and felt slighted. Hurt is a reaction to fear, and in a place of Love, there is no room for fear or anything else. Thank you, Team for keeping an eye out here. Can you explain what you mean by outside sources? I dont think you love him if you chose people over him maybe its a infatuation, i have been in a relationship for a short period of time, it was for 7 months, i dated this guy who liked me and had a crush on me when we met in university, he stood up and told me on chat that he likes me so much nd wants me, i agreed being with him after getting hurt in 2012 with my first ex, i wanted to heal my self and by time when we were together i fell in love with him more, and i was so happy with him, later by time our relationship starting becoming worse, it was like a long distance relationship and i barely used to meet him and complain but he says he had so much work in university, we fought alot due to my jealousy on him and his jealousy on me, we both really loved each other, but at times people use to get in between and tell me he is a player, dont stay with him and all, i actually ignored, i really dont care about the past, he was truly a player but when he dated me he changed completely to better, time by time we were good and suddenly we fight and breakup, we broke up once and got back again becuase he loves me, suddenly i stood up and told him i cant be with u anymore, because i got alot of bad things about him and i was tired listening, but i felt like i didnt break up from the heart, it showed that he didnt want to let me go, after the break up he tells me that he misses me and writes up pms all over his status, and that time he was out of country, he says that when he comes back he will fix the fight, and i felt guilty and i wanted ti stay with him because i love him so much that i cant let him go, once he got back he started getting colder i was wondering what happend to him also he was avoiding me and he wasnt replying me so often, he couldnt face me so his bestfriend told me that he lost feelings and he cant get me back again because he loved me so much and in the same time he got hurt so much from me also hes not ready for a relationship, i tried to get him back but no use, we talk and i try to fix but he says i cant be with someone who belives things on me wrong from people, he was like we can be bestfriends, i dont really feel like he lost feelings and i still dont know, but i love him so much and i cant let him go.please help me :(. 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