She means other kinds of trouble. Everything seems to fall into place. [after Riley discovers the man he accused of bank robbery is a policeman]. Mrs. Abigail Uppington, the wimpy Wallace Wimple and the "friendly undertaker," Digger O'Dell. The trouble is, in our culture we try to have one or the other -- either/or -- and it's both and then some in real experience. I think he was keenly aware of the fact that a good funeral is not about what we buy or what we spend; that a good funeral is very much about what we do when someone dies. O'Dell was a character hastily written into the long-running radio (and, later, television) show, "The Life of Riley," which had its debut on radio in 1944, while Americans were dying by the thousands in Europe and the Far East. But I find that if you just show up, if you just walk in the door, people think you're a hero. [6][7], The NBC adaptation, also created by Irving Brecher, was a single-season But I remember coming home after the mass and the burial and the luncheon, getting back to her house -- it was about 3:00-ish in the afternoon -- and thinking, "The trick-or-treaters are coming." producer's chat|readings & links|site map|dvd & transcript|press reaction It's not that you don't want to see them dressed up or laid out or with glasses on, or too much makeup or their hair done in a clumsy way. Searching for Herbert ODell Smith took me nowhere, and youd be surprised how many people in America are named Digger ODell. Why, theres Edwin Digger Odell of Abilene, Texas; Allen Digger ODell of Malvern, Iowa; Charles Wayne Digger ODell of Lebanon, Tennessee; Loren Digger ODell of Brookfield, Missouri you get the picture. When families come in and have their loved one cremated, do you talk to them about going with you to the crematorium? Chester A. Riley: Christmas, nothing doing! Jim Gillis: So by her leavin', I'm getting away without goin' out of the house. The program even utilized a stable of so-called "silent" characters, individuals referred to often but never actually heard. The Life of Riley, 1944 to 1951. Do you hear that, Peg? Digby 'Digger' O'Dell: It is I, Digby O'Dell, the friendly undertaker. When Riley learns that the couple is to spend their honeymoon in separate rooms, he becomes suspicious. Dwarf Mr Snow, Fred's Tie Dye, Saucy Mary, Sweet Scarlet, Kangaroo Paw Green, Idaho Gem and Banana Toes are just a few of the varieties one gardener is growing in a 4x8 bed of "bulletproof" tomatoes. After 13 days in his coffin, Memphis police showed up with shovels to unearth Digger. Punchy: Hey, why don't you get up, pal? Chester A. Riley: I'm just as much a show-off as they are, ain't I? The radio program initially aired on the Blue Network (later known as ABC) from January 16, 1944, to July 8, 1945, it then moved to NBC, where it was broadcast from September 8, 1945, to June 29, 1951. So yes, the hurt is there, but the hurt does not overwhelm. It's something handled by "them" offsite, elsewhere, and I think that's problematical. I mean, if it was just a matter of forgetting, we would do that. The local newspapers reported that an 18x24-inch plywood air shaft allowed Digger to receive air and food, and he had carefully stocked his tiny domicile with lights, reading glasses, even packs of cigarettes. He didnt come close to breaking his record. Does it make it easier? However, it came to an end after 26 episodes because Irving Brecher and sponsor Pabst Brewing Company reached an impasse on extending the series for a full 39-week season. Once he had to be pulled from his apartment after the dirt sides turned to mud and caved in after a thunderstorm. It is really helpful on the day your mother dies or your father dies or, God help us, a child dies, to have a certain part of the wheel already invented. Don't forget the gallon I gave to the Red Cross. The custom of eulogy, what is its meaning? UP AND UNDER ANNCR: Prell brings you "The Life of Riley"! Then, his wife Peg receives a phone call from Sidney Monahan, a former flame from Brooklyn, their home town, and Riley impulsively invites him to dinner. Anyway, I presume the Digger ODell weve been discussing here was eventually buried one final time, and I hope his gravestone wherever it is pays tribute to one of this countrys unique stuntmen. Peppers take longer than tomatoes to get going, so start them first. Junior Riley: Why don't you wet a piece of confetti and drown your brain? What we have missed, however, in cremation in this culture is all the powerful metaphoric values provided by fire, its elemental worth. I'm certain the same thing holds for people who put their dead in the sea or the fire or a tomb -- that we need time to disengage. And he's sorry to this day! At the beginning of the November 11, 1949 radio episode the announcer explained that William Bendix had strained his voice while performing the role of an umpire for an upcoming film (Kill the Umpire) and Gleason substituted for him that one night. Peg Riley: Theatre, huh? The Life of Riley is an American radio situation comedy series of the 1940s that was adapted into a 1949 feature film, a 1950s television series, and a 1958 comic book. All rights reserved. Do you hear that, Peg? Chester A. Riley: Well, if you do, just holler. The dead matter to the living. We are less grounded than our grandparents were. For some people it's not the open casket and the three-day wake and the roses and the limousines and the Panis Angelicus. The stores are open. What is missing is the corpse: the thing itself, not the idea of the thing. Paula Winslowe played "Peg" for most of the series' run. The Press-Scimitar told why: It seems the police got a warrant for one Herbert ODell Smith, 46, wanted in Atlanta on a charge of non-support filed by his wife. When he finally crawled out his hole, Digger promised customers, Ive got to attend to some personal business, but Ill be back, folks, and will finish the job. Later, he told reporters, Thats the way the cookie crumbles. Opening credits conclude with the following written statement: "America! Dear t.r. When Burt finally tells Babs about his financial predicament and suggests that they marry quickly so that Riley can keep his job and he can save his life, Babs reluctantly agrees. The Life of Riley (1949) co-starred Rosemary DeCamp, James Gleason, Beluah Bondi, Richard Long and John Brown as "Digger O'Dell" the friendly undertaker, a role that he also played on the radio program. It was produced by Tom McKnight for NBC and featured William Bendix. I'll treat her just like she wasn't my wife. To view this content, please use one of the following compatible browsers: A factory worker tries to cope when his daughter dates the boss's son. Web. It seems Digger ODell was a friendly undertaker character in The Life of Riley , a radio soap opera that aired back in the 1930s, but that still doesnt explain the curious popularity of the name, if you ask me. I just gave him a sedative. There are several videos on line. Digby 'Digger' O'Dell : Why, I was just taking a stroll around the pond. Chester A. Riley: "Babs Riley Featured in Annual School Follies". The show was canceled after its first season, but was revived in 1953, then ran on the NBC network until August 1958. Digger's morbid sense of humor buttressed by Brown's off-kilter delivery was a hit with the show's audience, and for me, often the high point of the episode. 461. 2023. So we learn to live with it. And we come away from these memorial events, these celebrations of life, with the increasing sense that something is missing. Brecher told Brown, "I want a very sepulchral voice, quavering, morbid," and he got it right away.[2]. Chester A. Riley: Oh. This is the way I like to remember William Bendix - playing a family man doing the best he can in a world that tends to be a bit too much for him, with children that tend to be a bit too much for him too. He is best-known in Memphis for agreeing to be "buried alive" as a promotion that took place in September 1959 for Bluff City Buick. Not a day went by that I wasn't kept in after school. Chester A. Riley: I'll tell you what harm there is! They'll survive it. From NE Ohio to North Central Mississippi, everyone has their own ideas and preferences for what they will plant this year. Chester A. Riley: Yeah, but that ain't right. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts "The Life of Riley Quotes." So everything is weakened; weakened and tightened at the same time. series from October 4, 1949, to March 28, 1950. I went back to my father's house, and I remember thinking, "But life goes on." Id like to think that the cemetery installed a periscope so visitors could see him, or at least a tube where they could drop coins and see if they could ring the bell but I doubt it. Western movie question: Movie likely from the 70s, has the climax where a man/boy is racing through the desert to beat a shadow across a certain line to save a girl captured by Indians. Babs Riley: Guess what? William Bendix is heard as Riley, along with co-stars Paula Winslowe, John Brown, Tommy Cook, and Barbara Eiler - plus series creator Irving Brecher . His dramatic life story is so well-known that schoolchildren are taught to recite it for extra credit. We can't prearrange that. What are you doin' here in the park? And something is. Barbara 'Babs' Riley: There's still Christmas. Will you care after your death if they take care of you in death as you did your dad? What can you tell me about this interesting fellow? You had your tonsils out. What is your sense of what's driven and shaped that conversation, and what, if anything, has been missing from that public view of it all? People will know that. And there's somebody else doing this, that. None of us knew what reference was being made here.In grade five very few people here NL (Canada) were familiar with American radio.When the "Life Of Reilly" came to TV my appreciation of "Digger" was finally launched. Chester A. Riley : Hello, Digger. I think the national rate now is right around 38 percent. And oftentimes I'm impressed by how people will wrap their existential concerns about a dying parent in the prearrangement conference. The till still rings. Bendix's delivery and the spin he put on his lines made it work. But the strange case of Digby "Digger" O'Dell offers an elegant counterpoint. But I don't know of anybody who has come in here entirely angry at the prospect of God who has done well with this type of thing, with deaths in the family. Stevenson's ne'er-do-well son Burt, meanwhile, is cornered at the picnic by a thug named Norman, who demands that he repay a $25,000 gambling debt. Jim Gillis: I know a lot about surgery. We'd be wise, as a culture, to examine some of these things. And at least so far as my experience is concerned, the living who bear those burdens honorably are better off for it. Let me begin this strange tale by saying that minutes and minutes of research failed to turn up many verifiable facts about Smith oh, good grief, lets just call him Digger here. So it's not like you do things for them as much as you do it with them and embolden them to do for themselves. This is standard practice when ordering from Ukraine, according to customers wh. When families have gone to the crematory, has it made a difference? He calculated that he had been "buried alive" 94 times, and some of these almost ended his life. Riley's usual reply to the messes he would get in to became a catch phrase that swept the nation: What a revoltin' development this is! He first started doing various stunts in 1932, a time when people were trying to make crazy money with dancing marathons, flagpole sitting, and other endurance feats. I enjoy listening to the frogs croak. Before going, Riley instructs his precocious son Junior to exchange his piggy bank coins into bills and meet him at the restaurant, assuming that Junior's savings combined with his five dollars will be enough to pay for the meal. What are you doin' here in the park?Digby 'Digger' O'Dell: Why, I was just taking a stroll around the pond. But people will go home, and they will look at pictures of the dead; they'll look at movies of the dead; they'll quote the dead to one another; and they will weep and laugh and carry on. Could have been man/wife or brother/sister. Months after my father died, I can remember this wave of feelings that would come over me, catching me at the most unpredictable times, this wallop of him being dead, him being gone. Chester A. Riley: I don't have to be fair - I'm your father. Here in Milford we're around 40 percent, and there are places where it's 60 percent and places where it's 16 percent. Chester A. Riley: So was I. Riley's penchant for turning mere trouble into near-disaster through his well-intentioned bumbling was often aided or instigated by his arch best friend/next-door neighbor, Gillis. Digger kept up his strange act for many years. Sterling Holloway recurred as neighbor Waldo Binney, another radio character. His frequent exclamation of indignation became one of the most famous catch phrases of the 1940s: "What a revoltin' development this is!" The radio series greatly benefited from the immense popularity of a supporting character, Digby "Digger" O'Dell (John Brown), "the friendly undertaker." Although Hollywood Reporter announced in January and February 1949 that the film would have its premiere in March 1949 in Cincinnati, no definite information about the premiere was found. No word on whether anyone felt like carrying on the family tradition. And they take a very sharp instrument. I've always been touched by the fact that there seems to be as much laughter as weeping at the big life events. He then is embarrassed in front of the Monahans when Junior appears with his full piggy bank, having been unable to open it, and during a struggle with the waiter, the bank falls to the ground and breaks. With your own mother and father and their funerals, what were the moments that had meaning for you? Well, it's showing up and just being there is worth an awful lot. I do not care but that they do it honorably. In doing this, in accompanying the dead, getting them where they need to go, we get where we need to be. Web. The Life of Riley was an American radio situation comedy series of the 1940s that was adapted into a 1949 feature film, a 1950s television series, and a 1958 comic book. The company offers Elephant Gigantes seeds, as well as free seeds that come with recommended shelf life information included. The stock market is open. I like the connection, the sound of the word "process"; it suggests movement, a pilgrimage. When my father died, I was not prepared to put him in the ground then. And are you a cremation or a burial man? t.r., memphis. He'd made a few films, like Lifeboat, but he was not a name. After the boorish Monahan orders the most expensive items on the fancy French menu, however, Riley barely has enough to cover the check. So I like the word "funeral" for what we're doing here, because it doesn't require me to feel this way or that. Chester A. Riley: Do you need any help with the dishes? I mean, it's uncomfortable, and I don't know what to say any more than the next guy, and I don't do strawberry rhubarb pie. I needed to read that piece because I'm disinclined -- when someone's sick, when someone's out of sorts, when someone's dead -- I'm disinclined to be around that. He was supported by Marjorie Reynolds, replacing both Paula Winslowe and Rosemary DeCamp, as wife Peg; Tom D'Andrea as schemer buddy Jim Gillis; Gloria Blondell (sister of Joan Blondell) as Gillis' wife, Honeybee, and Gregory Marshall as their son Egbert; Lugene Sanders was Babs and Wesley Morgan was Junior. Chester A. Riley: Babs, do you realize when I was 20, your mother was supporting me and a baby? When he his first line, it was usually greeted with howls of laughter and applause from the audience. Well, if it's such a gift, why did it cost you 25 dollars? 16 in its first season, with four of its six seasons in the top 30, and ran for a total of 217 episodes. I can only take from that the sense that we're on the right track there. When the film opened in New York at the Loew's Criterion theater in April 1949, Bosley Crowther, film critic for The New York Times turned his nose up at it writing, "As one whom domestic expediency occasionally compels to bear with the Friday night bull-bellowing of one Chester A. Riley on the radio, this reviewer can state with fair authority that no artistic advantage has been gained by making this same Mr. Riley and his family apparent on the screen." The expression "life of Riley" or "living the life of Riley (Reilly)" emerged in the early 1920s, and was probably derived from turn-of-the-century Irish songs, such as "The Best in the House Is None Too Good for Reilly." Everything assumes its natural order. MUSIC: THEME FILLS A PAUSE, THEN FADES OUT ANNCR: I'll be the dead guy, and the dead say nothing. Chester A. Riley: You know, Peg, I don't know what kind of wife she's gonna mae, but 40 years from now, somebody's gonna have a terrific mother-in-law. interview with the film's producers|credits|privacy policy|journalistic guidelines Chester A. Riley: Why should an old man married for years run away with a pretty blond? I'd have to say yeah, they do. But, you know, we used to say to my father, who directed a fair few funerals, "What do you want done with you when you're dead?," and he'd say, "Well, you'll know what to do." Isn't that awful? He has been buried in a concrete vault for 36 days, sealed in glass 33 days, and spent 26 days underwater., But somewhere along the way, he decided to concentrate on burying himself in the worlds smallest apartment, as the various promotions called it. We're celebrating love, huh? Jackie Gleason starred as Riley during the show's first year, while DeCamp and Lanny Rees reprised their film roles for the series. Both [are part of] this effort to say something about something unspeakable -- great love, great loss, great hope, great fear, great doubt, the fist we shake in God's face, asking him, "What did you have in mind here?". 1949. Where is the meaning? Dear j.b.: Well, for starters I can tell you that this interesting fellow (and Im certainly not disputing that) was not a Memphian, and his name wasnt really Digger ODell. Chester A. Riley is back, with long-suffering wife Peg, trouble-prone kids Junior and Babs, moochy pal Gillis, and Digger O'Dell, The Friendly Undertaker in sixteen hilarious half-hour episodes. Is he in some of of trouble or something? US. [citation needed], In 1948, NBC broadcast "two live television test programs based on the radio series. [3], An unrelated radio show with the title Life of Riley was a summer replacement show heard on CBS from April 12, 1941, to September 6, 1941. So Ive got only one inch to run around in.. Unknown. John Brown, Radio and TV Actor, Dies; Played Digger O'Dell in 'Life of Riley' Give this article May 18, 1957 The New York Times Archives See the article in its original context from May 18, 1957,. But when the entire conversation circles around and around about how much it's going to cost or how can you prevent this charge, I just find it silly after a while. Jim Gillis: Sure! Jim Gillis: They put you to sleep. It's not always the same thing, and for everyone it's different. After Riley overhears Burt discussing "business" with Norman, he beats up Norman and drags him before the wedding crowd. I think we're among the first couple generations for whom the presence of the dead at their funerals has become optional, and I see that as probably not good news for the culture at large. We are more mobile, more portable, more scattered. But when some widowed person comes out and takes you by the shoulders and said, "Thank you, I couldn't have done this without you," and all you did was be there, or answer the call, or show up, there's this deep sense of having been of use to people at a time of need. And there's somebody else trying to get the choir to sing in tune. Whether a person is consigned to the earth or the fire is, at the end of the day, no difference. to "how come? And Mrs. Verrino's eulogy, her narrative of what she and her husband and their child were going through, was a way of sort of mastering this journey. Years later I had audio tapes to which I listened to repeatidly and learned to really admire Digger's council to Reilly via puns related to the profession of undertaking. he must have stuck eith me, because I will go as Digger to a neighborhood "post Halloween" block party this afternoon. So it's interesting times we live in that way. He never acted this way before. So we weep and we laugh, we laugh and we sing, and we try to work our way around this changed reality in much the same way a death in the family articulates this changed reality. The CBS program starred Lionel Stander as J. Riley Farnsworth and had no real connection with the more famous series that followed a few years later. Henry Morgan voiced Riley's father in one episode. The latter portion of the fifth season, broadcast between April and June 1957, was filmed and originally broadcast in color, although only black-and-white film prints of those episodes were syndicated. Peg Riley: Yeah? The lead character was changed to Chester A. Riley, the title was changed to The Life of Riley and a show and star were born. The idea for the radio program had originated as a sitcom for Groucho Marx called The Flotsam Family , but Groucho was Groucho and the sponsor couldn't accept him as a family man. It gives me room to do either, all along this sort of emotional register. The till doesn't ring as precisely, and what works and where the values are require more discernment. It earned $1.6 million in the U.S. and Canada,[4] preventing him from starring in the TV series that began in the same year. Do they get through it better? My, you're looking fine today; very natural" and leave stage with ""Cheerio, I'd better be shoveling off", "; from "what are we going to buy?" Why would he leave his wife? Jim Gillis: Of course it's right. After all, the people whose names are on these markers dont have that luxury. main photograph corbis, all rights reserved Peg Riley: Maybe he's sick or something. Chester A. Riley: The baby announcements? And I do think that while the dead don't care, the dead matter. And yeah, everything plays its part in that. Details Select delivery location Used: Like New | Details Sold by ral Add to Cart New & Used (2) from FREE Shipping Have one to sell? But you have to do that first, because people will sense if you're not willing to do that, if you're just sort of going through the motions. Though other friends may fail you, I shall be the last to let you down." We saw people start organizing these commemorative events to which everyone was invited but the dead guy. But maybe with the fact that 75 million baby boomers are working their way up to the bar of mortality now, it's dawning on them that this could happen to them. She just cant help being money hungry.. Chester A. Riley: Their gonna slit my throat from ear to ear and rip out my tonsils, and she says there's nothing to it! I think of disbelief as a faith of its own kind. The crematory we use is impeccably run by ethical people, people we inspect, unannounced, a couple times every year. And so I think of widowed people who must go through that when they're folding a sweater or cleaning out a drawer or looking for the power drill that their husband used to use to fix this drawer or that one -- these little mundane reminders that life is changed utterly and yet utterly the same. The same thing, and what works and where the values are require more discernment some. After Riley discovers the man he accused of bank robbery is a ]! Tell you what harm there is thing itself, not the idea of the thing itself, not idea. Walk in the door, people we inspect, unannounced, a pilgrimage does ring!: THEME FILLS a PAUSE, then FADES out ANNCR: Prell brings you & quot ; O & x27!: well, if it was produced by Tom McKnight for NBC and featured Bendix. Still Christmas n't I along this sort of emotional register to spend their honeymoon in separate,! Its meaning NBC network until August 1958 wrap their existential concerns about a dying in. 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