And theres days when that really hurts. And I want you to interrupt me every time you have a question.. However, theres one disease that underlies all three of these. We talk once every six months or four months. And it seemed that the first place to turn to was nutrition, because it was the one I knew the least about. pick up the tab to really finish it, because this is a multi-year experiment. It showed I had cerebral contusions. Kudos to @SnoozyWeiss. He is willing to entertain any hypothesis. Despite the fact that he exercised and followed a healthy diet, in 2009, Attia was overweight and had started developingmetabolic syndrome, putting him at risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. Glucose is such an important molecule for energy that if we were to go more than about a day and a half without eating, we would begin rapidly destroying our muscle mass in an effort to produce enough glucose to satisfy our brain, which would further impair our ability to forage for food. what happened to peter attia. for Dr. Peters definition of greatness, so for now, Ill leave you with one final piece of wisdom: There are people out there who have so many genetic things working against them, that theyll be lucky to make it to 80. ATTIA: I mean, look, Steve, that is a million dollar question. I might as well be 60 doing what it is I love at the time Im 60, as opposed to what I should be doing because I trained for it for all these other times. department where I was, and I said, I have three new projects; Im going to put into my proposal., They said, No, you got it totally wrong. Poor, poor waitress. Apparently Peter and his buddy Gary Taubes just love themselves some crappy pseudoscience. He is of Coptic Egyptian descent. Its a bit of luck and its having really good people around me who are really patient, who have been able to help nurture me back to a new way of thinking about life that is unrecognizable compared to the ethos that was 10 years ago. ATTIA: No. In this operating manual for longevity, Dr. Peter Attia draws on the latest science to deliver innovative nutritional interventions, techniques for optimizing exercise and sleep, and tools for addressing emotional and mental health. And its unfortunate that it was typically packaged with an otherwise horrible set of molecules in cigarettes. Because theyre funding studies that have already been done, instead of funding research to be done. How does our mental health affect our longevity? To listen ad-free, subscribe to Stitcher Premium. ATTIA: Exactly. 200mg is relatively minor, but he supplemented for the sake of avoiding muscle cramps. Its also that it has no fiber left in it as well. And so, to answer your question, Steve, I am still incredibly bearish on sugar. And just to be clear, Im just the guy who started it and who raises the money. Marion Nestle notes the Arnold's working relationship with a National Restaurant Association and the National Cattlemen's Beef Association consultant. Were you a good boxer? LEVITT: And did you actually do a lot of fights? Peter Attia, MD, is the founder ofEarly Medical, a medical practice that applies the principles of Medicine 3.0 to patients with the goal oflengthening their lifespan and simultaneously improving their healthspan. Stay up-to-date on all our shows. Dr. Peter Attia and Dr. Andrew Huberman discuss the best exercises for health and longevity.Dr. Stay tuned for Wednesdays episode Part 2 of my interview with Dr. Peter Attia! But you should be in the habit of listening to people talk about stuff that you dont agree with. We promise no spam. So my hours from 11:00 at night until like 5:00 in the morning, in a cold apartment. Now that Im concerned with longevity, that type of working out is totally unnecessary. And better? Peter ATTIA: If Im proudest of anything Ive done in my life, its that every time Ive made a change that has looked really stupid, Ive always been able to think that its okay, because Im going to be 60 one day. is who Id want for my doctor. And thats important, but just as important is our mental health. And you would say, Peter, those seem really easy, and youd be right as a 37-year-old stud, but the point is most 60 year olds couldnt do them. Dr. Peter Attia. But Im not the person thats actually going to do these studies. So theyve either died a cognitive death which is to say their minds have become so dull that theyre really not able to be the people they wanted to be [or] their body has broken down so much that the things that once gave them so much joy, theyre deprived of or emotionally theyve become depressed. Peter Attia talks with Steve Levitt about the problem with immortality, whats missing from our Covid response, and why nicotine is underrated. Theres days when I think technologys going to solve all of our problems. And then I would go to the gym and do an hour workout before that was mostly rowing machine and skipping. And I missed that routine once in four years. For one thing, we can avoid looking at our electronics before bed. If you learned something today, please share it with us! What do you do daily to live a longer and healthier life? My guest today is physician Dr. Peter Attia. And then we talk six months later, thats a distant memory for you. A surgeon who developed metabolic syndrome himself despite the fact that he ate well and exercised often, Attia realized that our understanding of these important health issues may not actually be correct. It turns out that our bodies perform a lot of glucose disposal when we sleep, so sleep is incredibly important for preventing glucose from building up in our bloodstreams. Try playing chess with it, its so confident gives you a very detailed analysis why it's making a move and why your move was wrong, but tried to make illegal moves and doesn't But I also think it wasnt that hard because I think that the life I was living was untenable. And then three of those days it would be a shorter run with hill workouts and sprints. Peter Attia: "I Definitely Lost a Lot of IQ Points That Day" He's been an engineer, a surgeon, a management consultant, and even a boxer. Learn more at, The Buddha said, To keep the body in good health is a duty otherwise we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear. And, said, The human body is the best picture of the human soul., My guest today is physician Dr. Peter Attia. Matt Hickey is the producer, and Dan Dzula was the engineer of this episode. , especially as he gets older. Peter Attia has dedicated his medical career to investigating the relationship between nutrition, obesity and diabetes. So what are some things we can do to improve our sleep to keep this from happening? And thats when I stopped my experiment. And I think its the perfect model, which is: let the government come in when its been de-risked. But I loved the benefits of nicotine.. Because what youre basically saying is: whats the dose? LEVITT: And so why did you end up leaving surgery to go to McKinsey, of all places? And then take a little step further, and you reach neurodegenerative disease, of which Alzheimers disease is far and away the most common and also the most rapidly increasing. You have to have a second project which youve actually done, but you pretend that you havent done it. . What type of a person is going to be safe in what type of an environment to go back to work? When we think of extending our lifespans, we think a lot about our physical health how well our bodies function. But its something I at least pay attention to now. He spent two years at the National Institutes of Health as a surgical oncology fellow at the National Cancer Institute, where his research focused on immune-based therapies for melanoma. Comments including unnecessary profanity will be deleted. And it was very uncomfortable. And also, what hes going to talk about in this documentary is really complicated. I took out a piece of Nicorette gum and I started chewing. According Peter's 2018 AMA Podcast, he takes 2 tablets of SlowMag every morning and 400 mg of Magnesium Oxide by Nature Made at night.. Research has shown that even a small lack of magnesium can prevent the . I rarely have a conversation with Peter in which he doesnt introduce me to something Ive never thought about before. And so for six months, Ive been doing something that was probably a really bad idea as well. is directly causal in disease in nondiabetics; There have been no RCTs demonstrating that better glycemic control in nondiabetics leads to better outcomes, much less using CGM; There have not been any long-term studies using CGM in nondiabetics whatsoever; Some of the interventions to reduce CGM readings (say, carbohydrate restriction) also would increase postprandial triglycerides, also associated with worse outcomes; There is therefore an unclear tradeoff between hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia, and that is assuming that they are each causal for bad outcomes in healthy nondiabetics; The cutoffs for unacceptable glucose excursions by Peter Attia are not based on any evidence whatsoever and are arbitrary. degrees in mechanical engineering and applied mathematics. And at the time, what they said I dont know if they still say it was that if you just limit yourself to something like three hours of sleep, you get used to it and your body adjusts to it. . Both of them are funded by the Arnold Foundation, with substantial ties to animal agriculture industry lobbying. And lets be honest. This episode is informative, and I know youll get a lot of value from it. Apparently Peter and his buddy Gary Taubes just love themselves some crappy pseudoscience. And in the meantime, if youre ready to learn how to live to be over 100 and prevent chronic diseases, join me on Episode 1,045 with Dr. Peter Attia! [7] Attia co-founded and served as President of Nutrition Science Initiative (NuSI) with Gary Taubes in 2012. In many ways thats the advice I give everyone, is not to be afraid of change. This mask versus that mask? So I dont know that I really deserve any credit. He is the Co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of the fasting app. His post can be found here. Peter Attia, MD, is the President and co-Founder of the Nutrition Science Initiative (NuSI). I am absolutely in the process of rewriting it, and that is my intention. And I dont think Im very good at it, Steve. that was typically done by putting your finger in the air and looking at which way the wind blows. The Canadian-American physician trained at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in general surgery for 5 years and won a number of prestigious awards, including "Resident of the Year."Currently, he hosts a weekly, deep-dive podcast called The Drive. The four huge factors of Type 2 Diabetes. And so I do I think death is a very important part of the carbon cycle. When we start to experience those mental health issues, we die in a sense. LEVITT: You have given a lot of advice already about nutrition and health. Both of them are funded by the Arnold Foundation, with substantial ties to animal agriculture industry lobbying. As we get older, we may develop knee or hip problems, hearing or vision loss, or even memory problems. LEVITT: I cant think of many people who have reflected on their life as effectively as you have especially successful people and been able to rewrite it. And the more I learned, frankly, the less I agreed with him. Physician. ATTIA: So a big part of our clumsy response to this is that it couldnt be centrally coordinated. I want to be able to hop over a three-foot fence. One half of all Americans are on that spectrum. , So how can we combat Type 2 diabetes? ABOUT DR. PETER ATTIA. Hes one of the most intelligent, curious, compassionate people Ive ever met. Part 1. I think once I was in medical school and I decided I wanted to become a surgeon, I just had this anxiety, which was, Well, what if you have to operate in the middle of the night and youre tired? So one of the things I started doing in my last year of medical school was, every Thursday night I would stay up, pull an all-nighter, stand at my desk, not allow myself to pee, and practice suturing on my desk in this model that I made that was supposed to resemble a human heart. ATTIA: Well, I think theres something biologically interesting that happens in people when they have a kid, which is, they sort of realize their own mortality in a way. After obtaining his medical degree from Stanford University, he was a surgeon at Johns Hopkins and worked at the National Cancer Institute. It comes from this place of, Im not good enough. To improve sleep, Peter Attia takes phosphatidylserine, magnesium and a supplement called Doc Parsley's Sleep Remedy (a company in which Attia invested), comprising of vitamin D, niacin, magnesium (150 mg), and a blend of tryptophan, GABA, phosphatidylserine, theanine, 5-HTP and melatonin. But theres a lot of new research coming out among economists, of all people, thats starting to flag the importance of sleep. LEVITT: Id love to talk with you about Covid, because I have been, myself, a little bit shocked at how ineffective our public policy has been on Covid. Why dont we know the dose of fasting? Comments that attack an individual directly will be deleted. Put simply, Type 2 diabetes is what happens when your body cannot dispose of the amount of glucose youre consuming. And so now eating a diet thats high in fructose, again, especially liquid fructose, wreaks all metabolic destruction. Comments requesting medical advice will not be responded to, as I am not legally permitted to practice medicine over the internet. When I finished residency, if you looked at a blood panel of mine, you would never imagine that I was a 33-year-old. But nobody knows you even started doing it. But I love that about you, that youre willing to change your mind. He aimed to get his omega-3 to omega-6 ratio closer to 1:1, first by limiting sources of omega-6, and secondly by supplementing omega-3s. Post a screenshot of the episode along with your biggest takeaways on Instagram, and make sure to tag Dr. Peter, Stay tuned for Wednesdays episode Part 2 of my interview with Dr. Peter Attia! This is the subreddit for all things Peter Attia and The Peter Attia Drive. The latter is just a liquid mixture of them in a slightly different ratio that favors fructose, which makes it a little sweeter. The owner of this blog reserves the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to the blog without notice. from Stanford University and holds a B.Sc. Because for most people, the last 20 years, especially the last 10 years, are not great, both physically and cognitively. Last week, Peter Attia wrote a criticism of Game Changers, where he presented the argument (long repeated him) that nutritional epidemiology is fundamentally flawed. And while learning to manage stress and overcome trauma may not be the only thing it takes to prevent Type 2 diabetes, it will definitely increase your odds of staying healthy longer. Now, on with the show. So it turns out that if you deprive the body of glucose, the body still goes through that same process. And it didnt take me long to realize: not a chance in hell, for that exact reason. ", "Are We Fighting The Wrong Battle In The Obesity War? Have any hacks how to do? But that can be carried by a group of philanthropists who can act quickly and take huge risk. It also impairs senescent cells or more likely impairs the secreting factors that are made by senescent cells. And so when I decided to leave, my first thought was actually to go to business school, because I really missed doing quantitative problem-solving. 3K? Why didn't you address what Nina has brought up? Dr. Peter Attia is the founder of Attia Medical PC. And again fortunately, Olivias my oldest and shes 11. Im so grateful to him for taking the time to join me here on, Healthspan has three pieces, right? And so I want to challenge you to do that. To me the more important question, Steve, and the one I spend more time thinking about, is: what do you do next time around? But thats not the only thing we can do. As a result, you build up fat in your liver and glucose in your blood, and that can cause a wide variety of health problems. The House of Representatives is not exactly filled with people who understand science. When I first met you, that was your obsession, nutrition. Now to your question, I did at one point in my life, circa 2011 to 2014, spend three years in uninterrupted nutritional ketosis. And then, of course, this third piece, which is the emotional resilience and the ability to maintain a tolerance around distress. , Most people, when they think of death, think of what we call cardiopulmonary death or what Im calling death-certificate death. But probably 80% of people have actually died one of the other deaths before they die a cardiopulmonary death. Im sure anyone who did something at a high level, whether it be playing the piano or doing anything, once theyre so far past their prime, they look back and go, I dont think I appreciated what it took to get there.. A SIXTEEN-ARTICLE POWERBOMB. Then theres the physical piece your muscle mass function, ability to move, freedom from pain, all of those things. I mean, there is, to me, no upside in outliving everyone that matters to you. To listen ad-free, subscribe to Stitcher Premium. Theres a part of me this is not going to sound great Im just not an optimist when it comes to what the world is going to look like in 50 years. Today, we have more medical knowledge than ever before. But I still stand by the benefits of nicotine. Incredible evidence in how it prevents neurodegeneration and basically all forms of chronic disease. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. ATTIA: No, I think its the hardest job. What a complete and total travesty. Studying studies: relative risk vs. absolute risk. So, Ive done a lot of different things and that makes me a master of nothing. But the probability, Steve, that you or I may get the rest of our lives without another pandemic must be viewed as exceedingly small. Anonymous comments will be deleted. But it was like, You got to do it, man. So I just generally say try not to eat too much before bed. And when I was in high school, I became obsessed with him. Well, I have six kids and I havent had a good nights sleep in 18 years. And theres actually literature thats been done where you can inoculate healthy volunteers. LEVITT: Yes, so you gave me some Nicorette gum, and Ive never really smoked. What the three main pieces of our healthspan are. Im so grateful to him for taking the time to join me here on The School of Greatness! And then take a little step further, and you reach neurodegenerative disease, of which Alzheimers disease is far and away the most common and also the most rapidly increasing. Dr. Peter is working hard to keep his body strong and healthy functioning even into old age. Comments containing language or concepts that could be deemed offensive will be deleted. The Buddha said, To keep the body in good health is a duty otherwise we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear. And Tony Robbins said, The human body is the best picture of the human soul.. And during all of this intentional exercise, Dr. Peter has one thing in mind: his Centenarian Olympics. Youll be able to read more about this in Dr. Peters book when it comes out, but for now, I can tell you that the Centenarian Olympics is a series of activities that Dr. Peter wants to be able to do when he turns 100. Dr. Peter trained for five years at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in general surgery, where he was the recipient of several prestigious awards, including Resident of the Year. Hes spent the last few years being mentored by the top medical scientists and now hosts The Drive, a weekly, deep-dive podcast focusing on maximizing longevity by working on physical, cognitive, and emotional health. So I embarked on a sleep experiment that went on for maybe three months where I did not sleep more than three hours a night. Your lifespan may be longer, but your healthspan the amount of life you live in good health isnt. LEVITT: And so why? Thats high in fructose, again, especially liquid fructose, again, especially liquid fructose again. Really finish it, because this is a what happened to peter attia experiment who raises the money our.! Has three pieces, right the latter is just a liquid mixture of them are funded by the Arnold,... 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