It takes away body autonomy from the dog. (Have you ever seen what this procedure entails? We explore this topic and give you the information you need to make an informed decision for your pup. #accordion_pro_15601 .wpsm_panel-title > a > .ac_title_img_icon{ This ear cropping surgery is now performed exclusively for cosmetic purposes, and the procedure is extremely painful for the dog. This site is protected by color: #000000 !important; Learn more background-color:transparent !important; overflow:hidden; This two-and-a-half-minute video from Inside Edition gives you some food for thought on whether or not dog ear cropping and tail docking are the right choices. #accordion_pro_15601 .wpsm_panel-title > a{ Every Bully Owner Should Know This, Why Are American Bullies So Expensive? Nevertheless, Ill be frank: Its my take that these state laws almost uniformly suck. But an increasing number of experts and animal organizations argue that just because something is the norm doesnt mean its OK. Docking -- removing part or all of a dogs tail, usually with surgical scissors -- is done when a dog is just a few days old and their tails still soft. This surgery is also known as bobbing.. display:block; The American Veterinary Medical Association states that "ear-cropping and tail-docking are not medically indicated nor of benefit to the patient. You need to keep an eye out for your American Bullys cropped ear and look out for any signs of infections. } Whats more, its also a safe bet that the animals who undergo these procedures are not being treated according to the high veterinary standards of care you might envision in your minds eye when you buy that pet shop Min-Pin. Most commonly performed on puppies aged between four and six months, it involves removing two thirds of the ear under anesthetic. /* open close icon option */ Be sure to check the laws in your state and talk to your vet about how they will affect your decisions on dog ear cropping and tail docking. Countries like Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, England, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, and Turkey have already made ear cropping illegal. Every Bully Owner Should Know ThisContinue, They are friendly and affectionate, but they are also very protective of their families. Conventions and fashions make people expect to see Pitbulls that look a certain way. Fifteen of the 225 dogs showing in the 2014 Westminster Kennel Club dog show agility contest are mixed-breed (also called all-American). There are only a couple of states in which ear cropping is illegal or is at least regulated, which are Connecticut, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, and Washington. Its believed that the cropped ear will not just stop the ears from being disadvantaged but will also increase their hearing ability. At, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. In Canada, several provinces including New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Manitoba, have also made the practice illegal, with others expected to follow suit. For many, this is the small fragments of an ear left after ear cropping. This practice of dog ear cropping is a painful procedure in which the dogs ear is surgically removed to make the dog appear more aggressive or for aesthetic purposes. When will my American Bully fill, Read More When Will My American Bully Fill Out? Where is Ear Cropping Illegal? color:#ffffff !important; The practice of surgically cutting a puppys ears is now considered largely cosmetic and has been banned in most countries, The Spruce Pets reports. PTSD, infection, social phobia, and intense fear are all possibilities for the dog. The dog must also wear a bandage in his ear at all times during the healing process to maintain the upright aesthetic ear position when the bandage is removed. margin-bottom:30px; It also results in the dogs ears being excessively low, making it difficult for the dog to shield them from insects and dirt. Not that Im holding my breath or nothin' . Too often, some breeders take the situation into their own hands and use blades or scissors to undertake the ear cropping themselves. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. background-image: none !important; Please support this website by adding us to the whitelist in your ad blocker. If you see any discharge or any foul smell coming from your dogs ear, you need to clean it and contact your vet immediately. While some people use ear cropping and tail docking to make their dogs appear stronger and to portray a more aggressive appearance, that really isnt necessary. box-shadow:none !important; Below are some of the most familiar breeds. Ear cropping was practiced on German breeds such as Great Danes, Boxers, Doberman Pinschers, and Schnauzers due to military history and is still performed on these breeds. Cropping your Cane Corso's ears not only prevents injuries, but will also result in a healthier life for your dog by helping to prevent ear infections, repeated trips to the vet and antibiotic treatments for your dog. Another reason why ear cropping is said to have been done largely is to improve the look of the dog and to keep them more lively. According to Tier 1 Veterinary Medical Center, this procedure can involve the surgical removal of most to all of the flappy portion of the ear. color: #000000 !important; color:#ffffff !important; Now, thats a picture worth a whole lot of words one Im hoping well one day put into laws thatll actually protect our pets welfare. In the United States, no state has officially prohibited ear cropping. You have entered an incorrect email address! Well yes. Doberman with uncropped ears The amount removed can vary depending on the breed standards. It is a medical procedure in which the dogs ear is surgically removed using surgical scissors. So which is it? line-height: 26px !important; The battle crop is the shortest crop style among American Bullies. In 1987, the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals banned surgical operations for the purposes of modifying the appearance, including ear cropping and tail docking. Most laws regulating the treatment of animals as pets (i.e., not as livestock or research subjects) are left to the states. Docked tails can also develop a neuroma, or nerve tumor. When such procedures are carried out, it leads to several difficulties, including infections and communication issues in the future. Is Dog Ear Cropping Illegal In Us? On the contrary, sometimes, after the ear cropping procedure, if the wound isnt treated right, the dog gets ear infections. Others say docking keeps energetic breeds like boxers from hurting their tails by thumping them against walls or dog crates. Please see your vet for specific and trusted advice. A dogs ears contain many muscles that enable them to detect and retain sounds, which is an essential aspect of their senses. [18] The American Kennel Club(AKC) and Canadian Kennel Clubboth permit the practice. Two surgical procedures -- ear cropping and tail docking-- have long been routine in certain breeds like Dobermans, German shorthaired pointers, and schnauzers. Social media has a significant role in the trends we follow. While a handful of U.S. states do have rules about ear cropping, there are no states that have an outright ban. Is it compassionate to advocate animal rights when your dogs ears are cropped? You can tell if your puppy is growing healthily as anticipated by learning when to expect them to fill out. The cropped ear takes 3 to 4 weeks to heal completely. Thankfully, much of the world, including the UK, agrees - the UK Animal Welfare Act 2006 states that mutilation of an animal except "for the purpose of its medical treatment" is illegal. The ear muscles of dogs are structured in such a manner that when the ear moves in the direction of the sound, the outer ear catches sound waves and funnels them into the eardrum. Ear cropping and tail docking in dogs is an inhumane procedure that serves no purpose other than changing the appearance of a dog. You need to make sure that the breeder of your American bully puppy is knowledgeable, and that the exact bloodline youre choosing fits your wants, Read More The Best American Bully Bloodlines and Breeders (Photos & Prices)Continue, I get asked many questions about running with American Bullies, especially when people see me running with my own bullies. Ear-cropping is still widely practiced in the United States and parts of Canada, with approximately 130,000 puppies in the United States thought to have their ears cropped each year. Another method for cropping the ears was to cut off the blood supply with a ring or rope, causing the ear to fall off on its own; this method is too often performed for Tail cropping. Ear cropping refers to the procedure of trimming an animal's ear. There are two ways to dock a tail. We empower you to efficiently solve each new challenge and make your life better and easier. But on the other hand, people who believe in ear cropping can talk about their reason in more detail. Ear cropping is still legalized in most American states though with no law or regulation whatsoever. The Show crop, also known as the medium crop, is the most common ear cropping style among breeders and pet owners because it gives a more alert look to the dog. If youre looking for a protective breed to help keep your home and family safe, consider one of the best guard dogs for families as your next pup. vertical-align: middle !important; Rather, they suck because in their embarrassing degree of equivocation and side-stepping, they testify to the presence of an insidious streak of animal treatment most of us either deny or simply dont think about. transition: 0.4s ease !important; } Too often, irresponsible breeders take this matter into their own hands and use razors or scissors to perform ear cropping.. Thats because there is none. Visit our attorney directory to find a lawyer near you who can help. The AKC recognizes 62 breeds with docked tails. They also dock to avoid injuries for working dogs who could get their tails caught in something. Ear cropping of dogs is a prohibited surgical operation in all European states that have ratified the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals (Council of Europe 1987). Massachusetts, Maryland, and New Jersey: These states prohibit devocalization except when its considered a medical necessity by a licensed veterinarian. This practice has persisted to the present day, with most ear cropping performed on specific dog breeds for cosmetic reasons rather than bullfighting or defense against wolves. Do you agree or disagree that these practices should be regulated by law? There's a fear that more and more dogs are being sent abroad for cropping, or being purchased and imported from overseas having already had the painful procedure. So while it may be legal to crop your dog's ears anywhere in the United States, you may need to follow a specific procedure. General anesthesia is also typical, and the procedure removes about two-thirds of the ear (the external ear flap) and many nerve endings. In Pennsylvania, docking may not be performed by. /* css files */ The battle crop is the smallest of the ear crop style. Clean your hands and the dogs ears carefully with warm water and soap. The short crop is considered to be the best ear crop style for American Bullies. ;-) #dogsofstarwars #jarjarbinks #fearfreevetvisits #shihtzusofinstagram #shihtzu #vettech #vetlife #vetstudent #veterinary #veterinarysurgery @dogtorduenas, Vet techs can do anything. Ear cropping is illegal in Australia, New Zealand, and many European countries including the United Kingdom (Gumbrell, 1984). } Many vets will also refuse to do ear cropping surgeries unless its medically required for the Bully. } Geena rocks! But an increasing number of experts and animal organizations argue that just because something is the norm doesn't mean . } The real question Id like to pose here is whether you, as a pet parent, would allow your dog to undergo such procedures simply to look better, even if the procedure does nothing to improve the dogs overall health and serves only the beauty purpose? Is it illegal to crop dog ears in the United States? Ear cropping is common in Great Danes, Dobermans and Boxers. Then why crop the ears? Laws on Docking, Cropping and Declawing and Why They Suck. A Timeline, Is the American Bully a Restricted Breed? ACS says while ear cropping isn't illegal, it is illegal in Texas for a non-licensed veterinarian to perform the procedure. However, the practice is still legal in other parts of the world, such as the USA and Russia. But only if youre a layperson. Studies show that dogs communicate emotions like anger and excitement by wagging their tails, so docking may interfere with your dogs ability to interact with other dogs, says Andy Roark, a veterinarian at Cleveland Park Animal Hospital in Greenville, S.C. This means that all ear cropping is illegal unless a vet recommends it for medical reasons; no UK vet can perform ear cropping for cosmetic reasons. They are short and erect. It is not preferred anymore as it leaves your Bullys ear canals exposed and more prone to infections. (Here's a past post on this and the AVMA's policy.). This style also has a narrowing effect on the ear. All rights reserved. It also demands that the ear cropping be "appropriate for the animal," stopping just shy of the words, "medical necessity." But, unless you are competing in a dog show or other event that requires these appearance standards, this isnt necessary. You can learn more about the breed standards of bullies in this guide on American Bully types. } New York and Vermont have considered legislation to ban them, but neither state has so far. Doing it early will also ensure your dog is not traumatized by the loss. Such a traumatic experience sticks with him for the rest of his life. #accordion_pro_15601 .wpsm_panel-title a{ Though docking and cropping are done mostly for appearances sake, many owners and breeders say removing hunting and farm dogs tails might prevent injuries during chases or herding. Along with the tail, the ear is an important element of a dogs anatomy. In order for you to form your own opinion on the matter, you need to understand all the facts and myths about ear cropping. In 2007, the UK Kennel Club banned dogs with cropped ears from participating in dog shows. Cropping has only been controlled in eight states, according to the AVMA. padding: 15px 15px 15px 50px !important; Patterson-Kane doesnt support the procedure herself. [For Every State]Continue, American Bullies may transform from young pups into fully grown adults in just one year. It serves no other function than to help a dog adhere to a certain breed standard. Were seeing a rapid change in American dog culture. Some veterinarians who perform ear cropping on dogs also administer sedatives and pain relievers. Nearly all European countries have laws against ear cropping. The dogs ear is cleaned and disinfected before any surgical procedure. } left:0px !important; In fact, American Bullies are one of the most expensive non-designer dogs, Read More Why Are American Bullies So Expensive? American Kennel Club: Frequently Asked Conformation Questions., American Veterinary Medical Association: Canine Tail Docking FAQ, Welfare Implications of Ear Cropping Dogs., ASPCA: Why Do Fighting Dogs Have Their Ears Cropped and Tails Docked?, British Veterinary Association: Tail Docking of Dogs., Council of Docked Breeds: Tail injuries of shorthaired German point dogs born in Sweden 1989., Gentle Doberman: Taping and Posting Doberman Ears., Banfield Pet Hospital:Banfield, The Pet Hospital discontinues tail dock, ear crop procedures., People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA): Ear-cropping and tail docking.. (CVBC) has voted to ban the cosmetic procedure of ear cropping this week and thus join several other provinces in trying to end the practice they say causes . A TimelineContinue, American Bullies are such a kind and loyal breed. Naturally, American Bullies have big floppy ears, but back in the day, owners used to crop their ears to give them a more intimidating look. Many breed standards, set by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and other pedigree organizations, have cosmetic requirements, including cropped ears for certain breeds. The American Veterinary Medical Association and the American Animal Hospital Association both oppose ear cropping as it puts dogs at great risk. While some municipalities in CA still retain the right to ban the procedure, the state has since prevented any additional municipalities from banning it. color:#000000 !important; The Canadian Kennel Club authorises the exhibition of uncropped dogs in shows, but according to the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies (CFHS), ear cropping remains largely in practice. } They are less likely to get their ears bitten in a dog fight. Most of these historical reasons have been disproved (improving hearing and preventing ear infections) or are no longer applicable today, Tier 1 reports. Rhode Island: The good news is that both RI and CA have at least taken one extra step to help mitigate the pain of feline declawing. So does that mean that in all forty-eight, forty-one, and forty-five other states (respectively) you can slice and dice your own dogs tails, ears and throats? The American Kennel Club (AKC), on the other hand, states that ear cropping, tail docking, and dewclaw removal are all acceptable procedures to define and preserve 'breed character' or for enhancing good health. You will also need to rebandage their ear once a week until its fully healed. The American Bully will look more intimidating. #accordion_pro_15601 .wpsm_panel-title > a{ #accordion_pro_15601 .wpsm_panel-title > a:hover{ And since the bulk of purebred pets no longer comes from responsible individuals but from commercial breeders looking for the least expensive product, you can be sure theyll be cropping, docking, de-dewclawing, declawing (and anything else they think future purebred owners will want) as inexpensively as possible. Maryland: This is the only state that requires a veterinary license and a reason before lopping off a pets tail. Maryland and Pennsylvania are the only states that have provisions restricting the tail docking of dogs. #accordion_pro_15601 .wpsm_panel-title > a.collapsed > i{ Breed standard is the most oft-cited reason for docking. The dogs ears will be sensitive and painful for weeks after surgery. transition: height 0.6s; Because lets face it, reasons like bullfighting, bear fighting, and having to defend against rats and wolves are no longer relevant in this day and age. Is Ear cropping illegal? Tail docking or ear cropping can only be carried out in Victoria by a registered veterinary practitioner for therapeutic reasons (for the health or welfare of the animal). (Here's a past, All states but Maryland will allow you to cut off your own dogs tail for, When Washington state says that it prohibits ear cropping except when its considered a customary husbandry practice, it opens the door not only for, All but five states allow that pets de-barked by non-veterinary laypersons with no requirement for anesthesia or pain relief whatsoever. Numerous research has shown that there are no benefits to ear cropping. The College of Veterinarians of B.C. Before the ear cropping surgery, you need to take your American Bully to a vet for inspection and make sure your dog is healthy and up for the surgery. The first accounted and written record of ear cropping dates back more than 300 years and it was performed as a defense against wolf attacks. It is still legal in most of North America. Monitor the area for redness, swelling, and discharge. All rights reserved. They will be able to take part in dog shows. font-family:Arial !important; The short crop is the most preferred crop style among American Bullies. } line-height: 26px !important; In between the fifth day and twelfth week, tail docking may only be performed by a licensed veterinarian and only if it is deemed medically necessary. Not only is ear cropping inhumane, but it has helped to propagate the stereotype that pitbulls are dangerous animals. Some owners believe ear cropping lowers the odds of infections. What are the advantages of cropping your dog's ear? Furthermore, ear cropping is only done on pups; it is never done on adults. In four to eight weeks after the procedure, the ear will be fully healed. Go ahead ask any veterinarian in the US. #wps_accordion_pro_15601{ Aside from the infection, there are other potential complications, such as the desired cropped ear not being in the right position and the ear being distorted, which can lead to more ear cropping. box-shadow:none !important; Its important for responsible dog owners to know when these changes happen, Read More When Does An American Bullys Head Crack?Continue, Bullies are a significant lifetime investment. And ear cropping became an essential part of preparing an American Bully to be a hunter. The space your dog is in should be kept clean, dry, and free of urine and feces. In 2008, the American Veterinary Medical Association adopted a policy opposing both ear cropping . Here are some simple steps on how you can clean your Bullys cropped ear with stitches: Now that you know all about the reasons why people crop their Bullys ears, how the procedure goes, and the after-care. Ear-cropping causes pain and distress to dogs. Massachusetts prohibits ear cropping except when executed by a licensed veterinarian, and Washington prohibits ear cropping except when it is considered a customary husbandry practice. After the mutilation, sutures are used to close the cropped portion of the ear. VOTE NOW Watch on If youre a veterinarian and you use anesthesia, you can perform a tail dock, but only after twelve weeks. Since their immune system is still weak, there is always the risk of infection during the healing process, and the pooch whose ear was just cropped is more vulnerable to infection. 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. The procedure takes from 30 to 45 minutes, and then you are given instructions on how to care for your American Bully post-surgery.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'pitbullshome_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_18',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-pitbullshome_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); After the procedure, your Bully will be prescribed some pain relief medicine and maybe some supplements to help with the healing process. In which countries is ear cropping prohibited? To help offer some perspective, Ive broken things down by category: Docking refers to amputating a dogs tail. Maryland: MD takes it one step further. Ear cropping of dogs is common in the United States, and there are currently no laws against it. } If the puppy was put under anesthesia during the ear cropping procedure, it will recover in 2 or 3 days. Ear Cropping and Tail Docking: Should or Shouldnt You. It's illegal in Washington to perform ear cropping except when it is considered a customary management practice. color:#ffffff !important; There are currently nine states that specifically regulate ear cropping of dogs: Connecticut, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York and Pennsylvania all prohibit ear cropping except by a licensed veterinarian while the dog is under an anesthetic. This is owing to the fact that while they are pups, their ears are still soft. This sci-fi thriller for mature readers imagines a not-so-distant futurea world of . In both cases, the owners are now facing felony charges of torture. Dog ears are subjected to barbaric mutilation.. Massachusetts: This state restricts ear cropping to the purview of licensed veterinarians alone. This procedure is most often undertaken in the front limbs of cats six months of age and younger. Below are the most familiar breeds. Ear cropping is illegal in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Slovak Republic, and parts of Europe. Ear cropping is a cosmetic procedure whereby the ear flaps are vertically incised to allow them to stand upright. Ear cropping dogs can cause psychological stress and PTSD in dogs, in addition to communication and hearing issues. Although it is prohibited in the United Kingdom and other European countries; ear cropping is still legal in North America, with the exception of a few states such as New York. Photo: Adobe Stock / MeganBetteridgeThe American Kennel Club (AKC) currently supports ear cropping in order to maintain the standards of appearance for certain breeds. } Alaska and Louisiana allow tail docking, but only if it is sanitary, minimizes the dogs pain and distress, and is done quickly. Maryland: MD takes it one step further. #accordion_pro_15601 .wpsm_panel-title > a.collapsed:hover:after{ As such, theyre on the vanguard of a slow moving front that champions the welfare of animals over human vanity and personal convenience. Any dog with cropped ears has gone through pain and distress, as well as a possibly unpleasant recuperation process. Veterinarian, columnist, blogger, foodie. Start-Up Grants for Non-Profit Animal Rescue. All rights reserved. There are, however, precious few. Yay! margin-top: 0 !important; This was due to the ear being a sensitive, susceptible, and easy target for the opposing animal to bite, grip, and tear. When a dogs ear is cropped, a variety of problems can arise, ranging from communication to infection, all of which can lead to an ear cropping gone wrong. Licensed veterinarian according to the whitelist in your ad blocker not-so-distant futurea world of crop. 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