divergent ocean-ocean boundary When they were boys, they were allowed to tour the USS $\underline{\text{Enterprise}}$ while it was docked near Boston. Which of the following statements is the best summary of this passage? ", Depending on how the courts rule in the Arkansas case, it could also mean different possibilities for state and local governments that are "hostile to racial minorities," Kang says. Which of these statements best summarizes this paragraph? 1. There would be only a little water to drink and nothing at all to eat. In other words, an effect is the result or outcome of some cause. The underlined appositive phrase below gives additional information about Beowulf:\ B) A conclusion can provide supporting ideas not included elsewhere in the essay. Which of the following sentences contains the strongest and most effective wording? include the reader's opinion of the text. Which one of the following statements is an example of an opinion? Identifies the topic, has all the key words, and is a complete sentence. He hoped he would. What are the elements that make a good paragraph? (2) The plates are called tectonic because they're in constant motion. Bear Who Stands was ready to learn of his place in the world - The paragraph is about Bear Who Stands being prepared for the vision quest and feeling ready. He nodded in agreement when his grandfather told him it was time for him to go up on the mountain. After the court's 2013 decision in Shelby County v. Holder, which gutted another key section of the act, Section 2 remains as one of the last legs of the civil rights-era law. Please post your answers, and we will check them for you. English, 21.06.2019 18:00 . Since the desert air was dry, the bread quickly turned stale. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch (left) stands next to Chief Justice John Roberts outside the court in 2017. In the lawsuit, groups representing Black voters in Arkansas claim that Republican politicians on Arkansas' apportionment board had drawn a map of state House districts that dilutes the voting power of Black people, denying Black communities meaningful opportunities to elect representatives of their choice. The five-paragraph essay has three basic parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. Include precise language and literary terms. Which is the best way to summarize this passage? Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for (5) Also, when plates slide against each other, causing friction along adjacent plate boundaries, earthquakes frequently occur. B. . Choose the sentence that best summarizes the above passage. How can you distinguish between a thesis statement and a topic sentence? Sample Paragraph 4 The author uses comparison and contrast to organize ideas. He felt ready to learn of his gifts from the Great Spirit, for that is the purpose of a vision quest. What is a thesis statement for a narrative essay? It should be as detailed as possible. How are direct quotations integrated into the body paragraphs? (1) Earth's crust is made up of relatively rigid plates that ride atop Earth's hot, semiliquid mantle. A stroke occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain is blocked. Their name, Spanish for "crazy lights," was given them when they used matches, then a new invention, to light candles after the gaslights were turned off at a rally. The discovery of the thirteen Dead Sea Scrolls is one of the greatest discoveries as they enhance our knowledge of Christianity and Judaism. You have ONE MIN Multiple Choice Each paragraph must contribute to your overall purpose. 3. -is accurate about this paragraph. Paragraph (g)(1) requires employers to thoroughly inspect all running rope in use, and to do so at least once a month. 1. 20/3 Question 1. Rudofsky's interpretation of the Voting Rights Act, however, goes against decades of practice and common understanding within legal circles. like have u no respect for a teacher? Appendix. Keep the same format of the volume and issue as it is on the journal articl. prove the truth of a statement. b More than 1 billion earthquakes happens per year. . The topic sentence relates to the thesis, or main point, of the essay (see Chapter 9 "Writing Essays: From Start to Finish" for more information about thesis statements) and guides the reader by signposting what the paragraph is about. Q. Third sentence in each paragraph. If the Arkansas lawsuit ultimately reaches the U.S. Supreme Court, it may join a list of cases that have resulted in a steady chipping away of Voting Rights Act protections by the conservative-majority court under Chief Justice John Roberts. Margins define the reading area and provide important visual relief. Only the Attorney General of the United States can bring a case like this one," said Rudofsky's ruling, which has been appealed to the 8th U.S. when a mid-ocean ridge split apart (3) They can move because Earth's mantle is a very hot and semiliquid fluid called magma. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. In addition, before using rope that has been idle for at least a month, it must be inspected as prescribed by paragraph (g)(3) and a record prepared to certify that the inspection was done. providing a dramatic example of a phenomenon that he will examine. B. Frost's article and restated it in his own. statements were false and misleading. As soon as you've decided on your essay topic, you need to work out what you want to say about ita clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure. After Simon Bolivar refused him troops, he retired to a life of exile in Europe. Practicing essay-writing with a clear plan can improve your writing skills. The lights crossed the sky overhead, and Ms. Markesan saw that they belonged to a spinning, disc-. = 2 1/4. . Which statement about this paragraph is accurate? Weegy: To grab the attention of the reader is the purpose of the introduction in an essay. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. a divergent boundary in the ocean. For purposes of this part (1) The term "consumer lease" means a contract in the form of a lease or bailment for the use of personal property by a natural person for a period of time exceeding four months, and for a total contractual obligation not exceeding $50,000, 1 primarily for personal, family, or household purposes, whether or not the . Identify the type of plate boundary that created the volcanoes of Iceland. ", Research by Sarah Knight and Brin Winterbottom. (2) The plates are called tectonic because they're in constant motion. This is an example of spatial organization. "It keeps me up at night," says Doug Spencer, an associate professor of law at the University of Colorado, who tracks voting rights lawsuits and is concerned about the argument not to allow private individuals to sue under Section 2. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. What should be contained in the introduction to an essay? It is an editor's brief statement of the essential features of the . c The processes happening today are the same processes that have occurred in the past. 60 seconds. a. "To the degree that voting is racially polarized, Republican governments that want to cut back minority voting opportunities there'll be a new world of possibilities for them to take advantage of. Read the quotation. If an appositive is necessary to identify who or what is being spoken about, it is not set off with commas. Soy products contain isoflavone. = 2 5/20 How does one write a full and point specific thesis? (6) Therefore, we often find volcanoes and earthquakes along plate boundaries. Trading Statement CAXTON AND CTP PUBLISHERS AND PRINTERS LIMITED (Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa) (Registration number 1947/022616/06) Share code CAT ISIN ZAE000043345 ("the Company") TRADING STATEMENT In terms of paragraph 3.4(b) of the Listings Requirements of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, companies are required to publish a trading statement as soon as they are . What is the main difference between a persuasive essay and a narrative essay? (5) Scientists have discovered that Monarchs migrate thousands of miles each year. Previewing is a method used to pick up clues about written material. D. Bias is an opinion that favors one point of view. After this, Ichabod approaches the stream leading to Wiley's Swamp and finally, he sees a misshapen form near the bridge. The greenhouse effect is changing Earth's atmosphere. mhm thought so. Try to think about paragraphs in terms of thematic unity: a paragraph is a sentence or a group of sentences that supports one central, unified idea. Which sentence illustrates parallel structure? Dile a un(a) compaero(a) si la situacin tambin te pasa a ti. Which of the following is correct about citing a journal article in the references list? What are the two parts of the concluding paragraph of an academic paper? Which statement about this paragraph is accurate? A paragraph should have one main topic. It is not expected to ever erupt again. a. -is accurate about this paragraph: (1) Earth's crust is made up of relatively rigid plates that ride atop Earth's hot, semiliquid mantle. Which sentence is the best summary of paragraph 3? "On the other hand" is a phrase that signals a contrast between ideals about marriage. due to a sudden shift along a transform boundary It summarizes the main idea of the essay. (1) Earth's crust is made up of relatively rigid plates that ride atop Earth's hot, semiliquid mantle. Entry is restricted to researchers, scientists, and educators. The Weegy: A modal verb (also modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. and is provided to the county is accurate. Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States because he, What was the name of the belief system that considered wealth to be a measure of "fitness"? Which statement describes a volcano that is classified as dormant? The roots of the next potential U.S. Supreme Court showdown that could further weaken the Voting Rights Act's protections against racial discrimination can be traced to a handful sentences by Justice Neil Gorsuch. 20/3 (5) Also, when plates slide against each other, causing friction along adjacent plate . a. How to write and what to include in a body paragraph? User: Which statement about paragraph is accurate. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. The CDOC has been working with state and local partners to proactively prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the state prison system. In general, paragraphs consist of three parts: the topic sentence, body sentences, and the concluding or the bridge sentence to the next paragraph or section. What is the purpose of details in a paragraph? b. d. 2. Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, Practicing Essay Writing to Get Better at Writing. due to an increase in volcanic activity How do you identify the main idea in a passage? What is the purpose of an introduction paragraph? The closing paragraph/s should contain a summary of the whole piece of writing and your final opinion regarding the thesis. The statements below are intended to describe the general nature and scope of work being performed by this position. Which of the following is the best summary of this passage? derive a conclusion from facts. Select the two correct answers. Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. b. First sentence in each paragraph. Hansi Lo Wang (he/him) is a national correspondent for NPR reporting on the people, power and money behind the U.S. census. What is the best summary of this passage? The beginning sentences (1-4) are just details that introduce the topic. The chn-tzu strives to discover the truth of life and forsakes all duty in pursuit of the Ultimate. d. A paragraph with two main topics is called a complex paragraph. Topic sentences should ____ link to a paper's thesis statement. All of the activity at the $\mathrm{O}^{\prime}$ Briens' house $\text{\underline{tires}}$ out Larry. glad to help bc MS.Sue can't. (2) The plates are called tectonic because they're in constant motion. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. 5, a and d (5) Also, when plates slide against each other, causing friction along adjacent plate boundaries, earthquakes frequently occur. Which is the best summary of this paragraph? The youth didn't need to ask what he was about to hear. The canvassed voters recognized that the candidate was unqualified. (3) They can move because Earth's mantle is a very hot and semiliquid fluid called magma. They support the main topic and make the paragraph more interesting - Paragraphs in the body of an essay are made up of a variety of supporting details to prove the main idea. convergent ocean-land boundary emdjay23. Example 1. b. 7. Which is true about the reference listing for a book? Check all that apply A) A conclusion can point back to a particular aspect of the introduction. a divergent boundary on land Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for i got earthquakes, im pretty sure it is wrong. 5. A test statistic not in the rejection region indicates a lack of support for the alternative hypothesis. Which of the following would be a clue word indicating a contrast? It is common to place the topic at the beginning of the paragraph, and the subsequent sentences can then support the topic, but it is not a requirement; the topic sentence can appear in the middle or the end of the paragraph. Toy makers today understand this and cater to patterns that are discernable by babies. 30 seconds. Updated 359 days ago|3/7/2022 10:04:30 AM. User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? (9) As fall leaves begin to turn, however, these great travelers gather for the trip back south. How do you write a thesis paragraph for a research paper? Soy products have many health benefits for women. User: A paragraph is defined as group of sentences that center on a. Weegy: A paragraph is defined as group of sentences that center on a central idea. Quelle region francophone est-ce que tu trouves la plus interessante? "It is odd," said Henchard, "that two men should meet as we have done on a purely business ground, and that at the end of the first day I should wish to speak to 'ee on a family matter.". Journal title is italicized and the first letter. All rights reserved. What does a thesis of a cause and effect essay do? How can you distinguish a main idea, topic, and a thesis? . Select all that apply. Many students define paragraphs in terms of length: a paragraph is a group of at least five sentences, a paragraph is half a page long, etc. They explain, clarify, explain, expand illustrate and describe the main idea. c About 100 earthquakes per year are strong enough to cause damage. Manners are an important part of growing up. When beating the eggs and sugar you shouldn't stop until soft peaks form. Transcribed Image Text: Reading 1: "The Analects" Which statement reflects an accurate understanding of the chn-tzu? c. Their sum, Which of the following statements about the passage below is true? Anyone can become involved in music therapy. The result of Jefferson's embargo was American merchants were bankrupted, sailors were put out of work, and farmers were unable to sell their crops. We need to cut the operating budget by 12 per, Which one of the following sentences best describes paraphrasing? This anti-cancer element can help reduce the risk of breast cancer in women. He had heard them speak of the vision quest. Rewritten She $\text{\underline{hurtles}}$ down the stairs and $\text{\underline{dashes}}$ through the gate. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. Arab traders used overland trade routes; Venetian monopoly; trade route disruption led to the search for other trade routes. -The monster begs Dr. Frankenstein the right to be given a fellow creature sympathetic toward him. (6) In the early spring, they're found in great clusters in southern Mexico. (2) The plates are called tectonic because they're in constant motion. While they talked, he heard his aunt, called Coyote Woman, whisper his name. C. There are no supporting details for the main idea. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. Aimee Mullins, whose legs were amputated below the knee at an early age, is an accomplished athlete who has competed against both disabled and non-disabled athletes and set several records at the 1996 Paralympic Games. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Practice Direction affects. In truth, Bankman-Fried, Wang, and Singh, with Ellison's . There is no single topic sentence.- is accurate about this paragraph. b) It summarizes the paragraph's main point. Complete each sentence by writing the correct present-tense form of the verb indicated. Document both handwritten and electronically in an accurate and timely manner to maintain inmate mental health records under the supervision of a work leader. . The Colorado Department of Corrections is committed to the safety of our employees. 120 seconds. a. because they make island arcs which eventually erode. c. A topic sentence should not be placed in the middle of a paragraph. Write a paragraph in about 75 wore the visual aid given below: Write a paragraph on 'Save Trees' in 60 words. (4) Volcanoes are a result of magma rising up or erupting through a plate, particularly where plate boundaries are moving against each other. And the case may soon find its way before the country's highest court. The roots of the next potential U.S. Supreme Court showdown that could . Which of the following sentences is an example of cause and effect? (4) Yet, beyond their beauty, there's something else amazing about these handsome butterflies. He started India's first helicopter company and used that money for India's first low-cost airline. 6. O All important words in the title of an article are capitalized O place year in ( ) O Journal title is italicized and the first letter of impo, In MLA 8, once you enter the container, all sections are separated by which of the following? The strong winds fanned the flames, making the wildfire spread quickly - A cause is something that makes something else happen. Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for Despite earning a modest income, Herb and Dorothy Vogel collected 4,000 pieces of art. How many paragraphs are in a argumentative essay? . The effect is the thing that happens as a result of a cause. . Where is the thesis statement found in a passage? To find the topic of a paragraph, ask what question? a. a. answer choices. (1) When you see a Monarch butterfly, you may marvel at its beauty. Which of these details would be important to include in a summary of paragraph 5? -Shipwrecked sailors James O'Connell and George Keenan are rescued and adopted by Pohnpeian islanders about 1830. = 2 5/20 On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. In the first paragraph (lines 1-15), the author introduces his topic by. Which of the following sentences demonstrates correct parallel structure? The hidden scrolls mainly discuss religious and nonreligious topics. To provide an accurate depiction of the lab experiment, describe errors that may have happened in the course of the experiment. Utilise le superlatif. A. Paragraphs add one idea at a time to your broader argument. ok no need for attacks either you all look bad on ur part too. 6 2/3 Gorsuch's paragraph of a concurring opinion, which was joined by Justice Clarence Thomas, planted the seeds for an unusual argument that has emerged in an Arkansas redistricting case that private individuals are not allowed to bring Section 2 lawsuits. Captain Gopinath was a pioneer in the field of aviation in India. Five hundred years later, English. But Rudofsky decided the lawsuit had to be thrown out because of who brought the case. (10) You can often mark the end of summer by the absence of Monarch butterflies. It'd be really hard to challenge a lot of what they might do. In American society, romantic love is considered the main reason for people to marry. paragraph - A paragraph is a group of sentences that relate to a central or main topic. Weegy: They are always focused on a main idea. Explain both the meaning of the quotation and the author's viewpoint. Social Darwinism C. Moral Relativism D. Revivalism. View the full answer. First, Ichabod sets off homewards at night; then he comes across the tulip-tree that the local people respect and fear; then the sound of the tree's boughs frighten Ichabod. Court showdown that could & quot ; which statement describes a volcano that is classified as?. Text: reading 1: & quot ; which statement describes a that! Field of aviation in India occurs when blood flow to a sudden shift a... Reduce the risk of breast cancer in women ask what he was about which statement about this paragraph is accurate! Effective wording him it was time for him to go up on journal... Written material effective wording the people, power and money behind the U.S. census a complex paragraph sample 4... Trouves la plus interessante the safety of our employees apply a ) si which statement about this paragraph is accurate... 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